My Movie Review: 2012
By Wade Durham
This movie is epic, nothing less, nothing more. 2012 is everything it wants to be, and that isn't perfect. My experience going into this film was expecting a nice doomsday film with amazing disaster effects. It delivers. 2012 brings the "whoa" from your vocal chords. Just so i'm not misleading it was a great disaster movie, but disaster movies are not that good. Day After Tomorrow was average, Armageddon was average. The writers don't care whatsoever about the story but that they get money, and of course they do. So it may not be the best movie ever, but it gets your attention and the producers achieved their goal. I would say 2012 is a good way to spend your evening though, a great popcorn flick indeed. The whole time you will be smiling at the brutal disaster action before your eyes. Ultimately the only problem I have with the film is the lack of story, SPOILER ALERT. They killed off the step dad like he was completely unimportant. In fact the whole second act which shouldve been emotionally touching was just plain stupid. It pisses me off that such a big budget they couldnt've got better writers, instead off waisting it on overly dramatic effects. But I said it before it does what it wants to do so congragulations Emmerich and the producers of 2012.
3/5 Good Film.
Acting: Cusack, Harrelson and most of the film is well casted, but they seem out of place. They can do better.
Effects: Oscar Worthy.
Storyline: Horrible. Basic guidelines to a disaster flick, dads divorced, kids. Many people day. Crazy Guy. Nothing new, nothing fresh.
Music: I enjoyed the dramatic score, its noticable and often at times impressive.
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